Footnotes are helpful things. I was reading Chapter 10 of Acts of the Apostles today, wherein Peter baptized the household of the gentile Cornelius. This followed his vision of the unclean animals being declared clean by God and the apparition of the angel to Cornelius directing him to seek out Peter. Peter declares, in verses 34-35: “In very deed I perceive, that God is not a respecter of persons. But in every nation, he that feareth Him, and worketh justice, is acceptable to Him.”

Does God, then, will the multiplicity of religions, as some suggest?

Well, check out the footnote: “Chap. 10, ver. 35. In every nation, etc. That is to say, not only Jews, but Gentiles also, of what nation soever, are acceptable to God, if they fear Him and work justice. But then the true faith is always to be presupposed, without which (saith St. Paul, Heb. 11, 6) it is impossible to please God. Beware then of the error of those, who would infer from the passage, that men of all religions may be pleasing to God. For since none but the true religion can be from God, all other religions must be from the father of lies; and therefore highly displeasing to the God of truth.”

Beware then, of the error of a person that would state that the multiplicity of religions is God’s positive will.

There are so many signs alerting us to this man.