OK, I have said before that the question of the identity of the Holy Father is of waaaaay more importance to the average Catholic than the “above my paygrade/keep my head down and try to get to heaven” contingent lets on. Getting it right is the key to unraveling the disaster of heresy and tyranny that has been promoted for the last nine years. It is the key to defense of the Mass and Sacraments.

And it is the key to the conversion of Russia, as our Lady of Fatima promised she would bring about after the Holy Father consecrates Russia to Mary’s Immaculate Heart in union with the Bishops of the world.


The consecration of Russia to Mary’s Immaculate Heart will be the solution to all of the evil, satanical forces that have made, are making, and will further make, a kind of hell on earth. She will triumph. It is our deliverance.

But the consecration of Russia to Mary’s Immaculate Heart by an antipope, even if —ahem— it were done in good faith, could be an occasion of the loss of faith of millions and perhaps even despair, should this consecration not be satisfactory. I’m not Our Lady, but one would think this type of consecration would not suffice by a long shot. Again, I claim zero knowledge or authority to decide that; I’m just thinking out loud here.

It is not hard to imagine that, when this consecration is made, if the conversion of Russia does not happen and a period of peace does not ensue, many may lose their confidence in Fatima, their confidence in the Church, or perhaps just lose their faith entirely. You know– a distilled and immediate version of what has happened by slow drip from 1962-2022.

On the other hand, perhaps Our Lady, in the plan of God’s holy Providence, has decided to show a definitive proof of the identity of the Pope. If Bergoglio consecrates Russia and it works, maybe he really is pope. Mea culpa from me. But if he does his consecration and nothing good happens, would that by itself be enough to confirm the Benedict is still Pope? We shall see.

Only the Pope could have answered the dubia. Only the pope can consecrate Russia according to Mary’s request.

If Cardinal Burke, or any Cardinal for that matter, or any active Bishop, or perhaps Archbishop Vigano, could see his way to address at last the identity of the Pope publicly, please? Not that it is strictly speaking relevant to the question of whether the putative abdication was valid, but it could really help to strengthen those Catholics who are left.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!